Dismantling Structural Racism and Mass Incarceration Across North Carolina
Through community education, narrative shift, and litigation, Emancipate NC supports North Carolina’s people as they free themselves from mass incarceration and structural racism.

Don’t Plead to Weed
Protect your rights. Learn what you need to know about illegal weed and legal hemp at our resource site.

Thrive Tribe
We aim to raise awareness around the injustices and unfairness in the foster care system within our communities. Learn about our work.

Report an Encounter
Were you a victim of a police encounter? Report it on Emancipate NC’s Police Encounter Database!

Raleigh HEART
Get involved in the community-driven initiative to decrease the number of armed police encounters with community members experiencing mental health crises.
Latest News and Updates
Defending Worker Organizing
For five years, Emancipate NC has held down defense of protesters, activists, and organizers in North Carolina. Our newest attorney, Dillon...
The Emancipated CLE 2025 was a success!
Thanks to everyone who came! Come again next year!
DCo Thrives
Durham County introduces DCo Thrives, a program to provide cash assistance to low-income families in Durham County. DCo Thrives will provide...
Radio Free NC
In a world that is always changing at an accelerating pace yet sticking to age-old structures and systems, the Radio Free NC Pod seeks to facilitate...
Unity Town Hall
The Black citizens of Wilmington know the storm that is coming, and they are gearing up. Later this month, Dawn Blagrove will return to...
Support on Wheels
Last November, Kerwin Pittman drove hours to Peachland, North Carolina — a town in Anson County — to buy a bus. On the drive back to...
Support Our Work
Through community education and mobilization, we work to dismantle structural racism and mass incarceration in North Carolina. Your gift today helps us fight for a just future.