
Report Back on HEART Listening Session

Report Back on HEART Listening Session

On January 23rd, the Raleigh H.E.A.R.T. Colaition hosted a listening session with the LGBTQ Center at RUMAH (Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub). The community heard from Nadia Moreta and Dale Neal from the Office of Community Engagement about the program. Community...

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Phillip Smith Publishes Book of Poetry

Phillip Smith Publishes Book of Poetry

Emancipate NC’s client Phillip Vance Smith II’s poetry book titled "LIFE: Learning Instructions For prison & out" was just released and now available for purchase! Phillip says he “wrote this book to tell people what it's like to serve life without...

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Reminder: Register for the Emancipated CLE

Reminder: Register for the Emancipated CLE

Mark your calendars and secure your spot today! Register for Emancipate NC’s second annual continuing legal education conference, The Emancipated CLE 2024! The conference will take place on Friday, February 16th, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the People’s...

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Victory! Justice Earls Investigation Dismissed!

Victory! Justice Earls Investigation Dismissed!

Under pressure from Emancipate NC and the NC Black Alliance, the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission dismissed their complaint against Justice Anita Earls, the only Black woman on the NC Supreme Court. The investigation was brought on based on anonymous...

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Durham: Pay Darryl Howard!

Durham: Pay Darryl Howard!

This is a reprint of an OpEd by Elizabeth Simpson published in the INDY Week. Who would suspect that Concord would be more progressive than Durham on the subject of compensating victims of police corruption? Yet last week, Concord made good on a $25 million judgment...

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Emancipate NC Sues the Durham Sheriff Over Jail Transparency

Emancipate NC Sues the Durham Sheriff Over Jail Transparency

Last week, Emancipate NC filed a Public Records Act lawsuit against the Durham County Sheriff’s Office to fight for release of the Jail policy manual. After a records request for the policy manual governing the Jail, the Sheriff’s Office provided only heavily redacted...

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Darryl Williams: We Remember You!

Darryl Williams: We Remember You!

One year ago, Darryl Tyree Williams was killed by the Raleigh Police Department with a taser weapon. About 50 people, including family, friends, and community activists, gathered last week on the anniversary of his death for a vigil to honor his life and continue to...

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Phillip Smith Published in Slate

Phillip Smith Published in Slate

Read a recent article in Slate written by Emancipate NC client Phillip Vance Smith II about the difficulties of romantic relationships in prison when relying on prison tech.  Philip writes, “For as long as there have been prisons, relationships have found a way...

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Upcoming HEART Engagement

Upcoming HEART Engagement

The Raleigh HEART Coalition needs your voice now more than ever! The City Manager’s Office is asking for community input on our coalition’s Alternative Crisis Response Unit proposal from now until March 2024. We need to show the City that Raleigh residents want...

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Kerwin Appointed to Violence Advisory Board

Kerwin Appointed to Violence Advisory Board

Emancipate NC’s Kerwin Pittman was appointed to the first-ever Violence Advisory Board by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety as a violence prevention leader alongside 24 other leaders. The board has been created to bring together a variety of different...

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Keeping Kids Safe in Greenville

Keeping Kids Safe in Greenville

School Resource Officers are supposed to keep students safe — but like most police in this country, they are actually trained to view the very people they are supposed to protect as the enemy. At North Pitt High School in Greenville, NC, a School Resource Officer...

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Defending the Right to Protest

Defending the Right to Protest

Emancipate NC represents protesters charged with offenses related to civil disobedience, as well as administering a network of justice-aligned attorneys in North Carolina who offer pro bono representation to protesters.   Recently, Emancipate NC attorney...

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Register for the Emancipated CLE

Register for the Emancipated CLE

Sign up now and don't miss the opportunity to attend Emancipate NC's second annual continuing legal education conference, The Emancipated CLE 2024. The conference will take place on Friday, February 16th, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the People’s Solidarity...

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We Organize To Keep Families Together

We Organize To Keep Families Together

On December 13th, Operation Stop CPS, Civil Rights Corps, and Emancipate NC hosted a teach-in at UNC School of Law for community members and impacted parents to learn about the importance of court watching and what to look for in our local Abuse, Neglect, and...

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Body Cameras Are Supposed To Provide Transparency

Body Cameras Are Supposed To Provide Transparency

Over the past decade, taxpayers have invested millions of dollars to equip police officers nationwide with body-worn cameras, promising a new era of transparency and accountability. A ProPublica article looks into the reality of this new era – where even when...

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