Join Southern Vision Alliance, Advance Carolina, Black Men Build, Carolina Federation, Emancipate NC, ImagineUs, Piece By Piece Strategies, Poder NC, Queer Mobilization Fund, Rising Majority, UE Local 150, Public Sector Workers Union, and United Southern Service Workers for the first ever Southern Summit, June 26th-29th, at the Durham Convention Center, 301 West Morgan Street, Durham, NC. There will be general assemblies on power building and vision crafting, breakout sessions specializing in movement strategies, skills you can take back to your communities, and much more! 

In times such as these, as the South finds itself at the forefront of the fight against white supremacy and right-wing dogma, it is important that we gather and connect with one another, build power, and share new skills and strategies. Let’s spur each other on in our work for collective liberation! Hope to see you there!

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