Mask Ban Coverage Goes National

Mask Ban Coverage Goes National

Emancipate NC’s Dawn Blagrove was quoted in Harpers Bazaar magazine in an article about Violet Affleck’s advocacy on masking. After the Los Angeles mayor proposed a prohibition on masking at political demonstrations, Violet Affleck, daughter of Jennifer Garner and Ben...
The Lynching of Sonya Massey

The Lynching of Sonya Massey

Commentary by Dedan Waciuri “Afro-Americans are more sinned against than sinning” ~ Ida B Wells “A woman was lynched today” is what the headlines would have read if Ida B. Wells was still around to articulate the current lynching of Sonya Massey, whose life was...
Watch What They DO, Not What They Say

Watch What They DO, Not What They Say

Commentary by Dawn Blagrove When people who actually care about free and fair elections called the wave of election law changes in North Carolina voter suppression, conservatives and election deniers clutched their proverbial pearls and cried that they were being...