by Mandie Sellars | Jan 10, 2019 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration
By Allison Bunker, CJPC Intern When we examine the current state of justice in America there seems to be no rationality for why we incarcerate 2.3 million people. Yet if we peel away the layers of the prison system a possible answer comes to light: corporate...
by Mandie Sellars | Jan 10, 2019 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration
By CJPC Intern Lily Walter Real court is not like Law & Order. Although this sounds like a fairly obvious truth, I didn’t grasp how truly different the real justice system was until I visited the Forsyth County courts. And perhaps the biggest misconception TV...
by Mandie Sellars | Dec 31, 2018 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration, Policing
On December 16, 2018, CJPC Executive Director Dawn Blagrove joined Irving Joyner and April Dawson, law professors at North Carolina Central University School of Law, for their weekly one-hour show. They dive deep into criminal justice reform topics that include mass...
by Mandie Sellars | Dec 9, 2018 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration
By Lily Walter, CJPC Intern Prosecutors wield enormous power in the “war against drugs.” They have the ability to widen the net of who is convicted of drug charges in the way they interpret and pursue laws. This ranges from charging mothers addicted to drugs with...
by Mandie Sellars | Dec 9, 2018 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Policing
On Saturday, December 8, CJPC Executive Director Dawn Blagrove joined Rev. Curtis E. Gatewood, President & Founder for JUSTICE Ministration and the Stop Killing Us (SKU) Solutions Campaign and other community activists and families of police violence victims for a...
by Mandie Sellars | Nov 16, 2018 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News
While the election was truly a nail-biter, and ultimately filled with outcomes both wonderful and challenging, one thing was clear – the people of North Carolina are beginning to demand accountability and reform from their local elected officials. For that, we are...