What is True Safety?

What is True Safety?

Philip Vance Smith II, an incarcerated Emancipate NC client, wrote about prison overcrowding in North Carolina in the Huffington Post, concluding that safety requires massive releases from prison: In 2002, I was convicted of murder and sentenced to life without...
Community Conversations

Community Conversations

On April 11, Raleigh PACT, SOS Agency, and Emancipate NC co-sponsored a Community Conversation on Modern Day Lynching. Dr. Kimberly Muktarian shared the connections between the racial terror of lynchings and the modern racial terror of state-sanctioned police...
Sharing Power Moves Us Forward

Sharing Power Moves Us Forward

Emancipate NC Board member Kristie Puckett and Strategic Director Elizabeth Simpson traveled to Yale Law School to the Arthur Liman Conference on public health and incarceration this month. Elizabeth was a Liman Fellow in North Carolina...
Four Twenty

Four Twenty

As 4/20 approaches, Emancipate NC reminds you not to plead guilty to possession of marijuana! Make the State prove their case! If you are near Greenville or Charlotte this weekend, come out for our 4/20 events. Team Emancipate will host Don’t Plead to Weed...