Protesters gathered in downtown Raleigh, starting at 3 p.m. on Saturday, September 26. The rally was organized by Emancipate NC alongside coalition partners Raleigh Demands Justice, Save our Sons, and PACT Fayetteville.
The rally, Uncover North Carolina: An Anti-Corruption Campaign, was designed to raise awareness about the systemic injustices continuing to happen in Raleigh and across North Carolina. One of the speakers, Stacey Campbell, was strip-searched outside by an Raleigh Police Department officer. Other speakers at the protest highlighted issues ranging from the unlawful arrests of 15-year-old boys to ongoing heroin cases associated with Detective Omar Abdullah, alleged to have falsified evidence in drug cases in Raleigh. Advocates and activists, including Emancipate NC’s Dawn Blagrove and Kerwin Pittman, as well as Cierra Motley, an Emancipate NC Justice League Fellow, spoke out against other forms of corruption, including judicial misconduct, housing injustices, bail reform, war on the poor, gentrification, and voter suppression.