Join us for an important discussion on the effects of the Durham County Department of Social Services on our local community. Emancipate NC published the first report on Durham County’s treatment of families impacted by Child Protective Services two years ago in 2022. Since then, this movement has grown! 

Emancipate NC has joined with Operation Stop CPS and The People’s Alliance to form the Child and Family Action Team, which meets monthly. Last week, Toia Potts and Margaux Lander presented to Equity Before Birth about connections between reproductive justice and the movement to end family policing. The week before, our ally, Ryan O’Donnell, a former foster parent, presented to the community about slow court processes and bureaucratic snafus he experienced in the Durham County courthouse. 

Now, we’ll focus on the negative impacts of family surveillance, separation, and insufficient investment in our neighborhoods. Our conversation will begin with political education to illustrate that this system isn’t just broken or in need of reform; it’s functioning exactly as intended. We aim to inspire you with a renewed sense of empowerment and a clear understanding that our community has the power to advocate for the policy and budget changes necessary to shift resources away from “The System” and towards meaningful community investment.

Co-sponsored by Operation Stop CPS and Emancipate NC

September 11th, 2024

6:00-8:00 pm

Tahti’s Place

1607 Angier Ave, Durham NC 

Register now! Dinner will be served