by operations | Feb 2, 2023 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Policing
Image credit: Bob Karp (@photopup) In the wake of police murders, Emancipate responds. Gone are the days when Raleigh PD can direct the media narrative and make undisputed claims that its officers’ killings are “justified force.” On Tuesday, January 24, we...
by operations | Feb 2, 2023 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Policing
Emancipate NC seeks to build a vision — and reality — of authentic safety and wellness for our communities. We seek to dismantle systems of structural racism that mean that Black people are over-policed, over-incarcerated, and over-regulated – all...
by operations | Feb 1, 2023 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration
The following is commentary by Elizabeth Simpson about the trial of Lester Kearney, and Emancipate NC’s role in shifting the narrative in the case, in the face of unethical prosecution tactics. Lester Kearney is an innocent man. Or, at least, he’s absolutely innocent...
by Elizabeth Simpson | Jan 27, 2023 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Policing
Tyre Nichols is dead because systemic and institutional racism do not allow for Black people to be treated as human. Darryl Tyree Williams is dead because systemic and institutional racism do not allow for Black people to be treated as human. It’s exhausting to...
by Elizabeth Simpson | Jan 23, 2023 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Policing
Thursday evening as members of the Emancipate NC team stood in a parking lot in southeast Raleigh, and watched balloons float into the air, celebrating the life of Darryl Tyree Williams, a man who was killed by RPD simply for being Black in an overpoliced...
by operations | Jan 20, 2023 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Policing
As our case against the Raleigh Police Department’s use of no-knock and quick-knock warrants progresses, the City of Raleigh’s attorneys are using questionable methods to attack the character of the plaintiffs, rather than own up and pay out the damages they owe....