by Mandie Sellars | Jun 28, 2018 | Emancipate NC News, Legislative Updates, Uncategorized
Despite being told that it is unconstitutional to require and ID for voting, NC General Assembly is trying again to force an voting ID requirement on the citizens of North Carolina. This time they are trying to use a constitutional amendment, that will appear on...
by Mandie Sellars | Jun 7, 2018 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Uncategorized
When I am not at work advocating for criminal justice reform, I spend the vast majority of my time with my son. He is about a year and a half. For the past week or so, as I spend time with him, I think about the children who are around his age who are in the...
by Mandie Sellars | Jun 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
On Saturday, June 9, from 12pm to 2pm, there will be a criminal record expunction seminar and free legal assistance offered at the Holton Community Center Auditorium, 401 N. Driver Street, Durham NC 27703. The 30 minute seminar will cover criminal record expunctions,...
by Mandie Sellars | May 1, 2018 | Criminal Justice Reform, Mass Incarceration, Uncategorized
Mecklenburg County commissioner Pat Cotham recently urged three health care CEOs to consider hiring people with criminal records as a way to give them a second chance. Her request occurred as part of a Charlotte Chamber health care summit, during a conversation about...
by Mandie Sellars | Apr 10, 2018 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration, Uncategorized
Greene and Lenoir Counties are working towards keeping children in schools and out of jails. By launching a School-Justice Partnership, they seek to reduce law enforcement involvement in school misconduct. As part of the partnership, schools have signed an agreement...
by Mandie Sellars | Apr 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
Do you want armed volunteers in your local schools? This is yet another issue of critical importance to engage your local sheriff. In Stanly County, the school board recently passed a measure that would allow the Stanly County Sheriff to place armed volunteers in...