
An Afternoon of Awards with Angela Y. Davis

An Afternoon of Awards with Angela Y. Davis

None other than abolitionist visionary Angela Y. Davis was in North Carolina last month to deliver the keynote address at Blueprint NC’s annual awards celebration. Emancipate NC staff and their families attended to receive the two awards for which Emancipate had been...

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Tim Smith Talks with Cierra About Grief

Tim Smith Talks with Cierra About Grief

In the most recent episode of the Black Light Mass Incarceration Show, host Cierra Cobb interviews Timothy Smith about how experiencing the death of his daughter while incarcerated profoundly changed him. By its nature, this podcast does not deal in light topics. A...

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Emancipate NC Launches Parent Support Group

Emancipate NC Launches Parent Support Group

Struggling with Child Protective Services (CPS)? You’re not alone. Looking for support carrying the burden of parenthood? You’re not alone. On Saturday, May 27, 2 - 5pm, Team Emancipate’s Toia Potts will be hosting the first Healthy Healing Parent Support Group event....

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Kerwin Attends 2023 NC Second Chance Lobby Day

Kerwin Attends 2023 NC Second Chance Lobby Day

Earlier this month, Kerwin Pittman joined up with the North Carolina Second Chance Alliance for its annual Second Chance Lobby Day at the General Assembly. This coalition comprises a statewide group of people with criminal records, their family members, service...

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“No ‘right’ way to tear down oppressive systems”

“No ‘right’ way to tear down oppressive systems”

Photo credit: The Carolinian Team Emancipate’s Dawn Blagrove moderated a panel on the Consequences of Confederate Monument Removal earlier this month. The panel discussion explored the real risks and challenges that our people face as they work to take down racist...

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Don’t Plead to Weed Webinar High-lights

Don’t Plead to Weed Webinar High-lights

Twenty people joined Dedan Waiciuri and Jaelyn Miller for Emancipate’s first-ever webinar about our Don’t Plead to Weed (DPW) campaign on 4/20, an exciting launch to what we plan to be the first of many educational events about DPW. In the webinar, Dedan and Jaelyn...

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Report-back from BBPN Advocacy Day

Report-back from BBPN Advocacy Day

Last week, Dawn joined the North Carolina Black and Brown Policy Network’s (BBPN) Advocacy Day at the NC General Assembly. BBPN formed out of the COVID-19 pandemic to address the urgent need for change, substantial resources, policy overhaul, and equity for...

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Come & Learn! Don’t Plead to Weed Webinar

Come & Learn! Don’t Plead to Weed Webinar

Community members and lawyers alike, join Team Emancipate's Dedan and Jaelyn next Thursday (4/20) at 6:00pm to learn why you or your client shouldn't always plead guilty to marijuana-related charges. The core of our Don’t Plead to Weed campaign is this: in North...

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Emancipate NC Wins UNC Law Pro Bono Publico Award

Emancipate NC Wins UNC Law Pro Bono Publico Award

Photo credit: Dillon Davis This year, Emancipate NC was nominated and selected for the Community Partner of the Year Pro Bono Publico Award at UNC Law School. This award recognizes the pro bono contributions of a partnering organization that has created...

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