by Mandie Sellars | Aug 16, 2020 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration, Policing
On August 15, WRAL’s Lena Tillett hosted a powerful segment connecting the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s to today’s Black Lives Matter activism and protests. Tillett brought together a Zoom panel of experienced activists across different generations: Judy...
by Mandie Sellars | Apr 16, 2020 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration
The global spread of COVID-19 has had a huge impact on those incarcerated, leaving them incredibly vulnerable to illness. As the world shelters in place to save lives, we are asking county sheriffs to do everything they can to keep those incarcerated safe. We urge you...
by Mandie Sellars | Apr 16, 2020 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News, Mass Incarceration
Prisons are now more dangerous than ever, with little to no ways to protect those incarcerated from COVID-19. We are asking our friends and supporters to get in touch with your District Attorney, via email, phone, and social media and demand the release of caged...
by Mandie Sellars | Jan 22, 2020 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News
At Emancipate NC, we are thrilled to announce that our Executive Director, Dawn Blagrove, has received the 2020 King Leader Award from the Triangle Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee. Below is her winning personal essay, reflecting on how we must, as Dr. Martin Luther...
by Mandie Sellars | Jul 30, 2019 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News
When the convictionA mere sentencingTakes away more than the prescribed commitmentDoes it matter the crime?And more so Who is really the victim?As the judge Is so quick to judgeRuled By the rules that hold us and knows that what really hold usIs that No one can really...
by Mandie Sellars | May 15, 2019 | Criminal Justice Reform, Emancipate NC News
by Elizabeth Simpson, CJPC Associate Director Last week, a community activist called me. She told me that her friend Amanda Marriner, a formerly incarcerated woman, wanted to get married to another woman who is still in prison. However, the prison was blocking the...