
A Black Mother’s Worst Fears

A Black Mother’s Worst Fears

By Attorney Dawn Blagrove, CJPC Executive Director Most Mothers never stop wanting to protect their children from harm. For mothers of Black sons, two of the most dreaded harms are getting sent to prison and dying. With today's plague of mass incarceration across the...

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Unlocked Up by endlesswill (poetry from Poetic Justice 2019)

Unlocked Up by endlesswill (poetry from Poetic Justice 2019)

When the convictionA mere sentencingTakes away more than the prescribed commitmentDoes it matter the crime?And more so Who is really the victim?As the judge Is so quick to judgeRuled By the rules that hold us and knows that what really hold usIs that No one can really...

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Announcing Our 2019 Poetic Justice Event

Announcing Our 2019 Poetic Justice Event

On July 13, 2019 at 3:00 pm in the Durham Friends Meeting located at 404 Alexander Avenue in Durham, the Carolina Justice Policy Center will host their Second Annual Poetic Justice storytelling event. In this powerful event, criminal justice advocates will collaborate...

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Kicked Out for Showing Up for Justice

by Dawn Blagrove, Executive Director I was 18 years old the first time I can recall seeing a law enforcement officer stand trial for using the power of a badge to terrorize a Black person. The video of Rodney King’s dehumanizing and brutal beating happened on my 17th...

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CJPC Staff and Interns Lobby for Second Chances

On May 7, the staff and interns of the Carolina Justice Policy Center visited with state legislators to encourage them to pass the Second Chance Act. Today in North Carolina, justice-involved people must carry their criminal record with them for life, as it...

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CJPC Executive Director Dawn Blagrove Receives 2019 Emerald Award

This April, the Raleigh Chapter of the Links, Incorporated honored CJPC Executive Director Dawn Blagrove with an Emerald Award at their 70th Anniversary Gala. The Emerald Award is an annual recognition program honoring women who have made significant contributions to the community. Blagrove was recognized for her commitment and advocacy for justice-involved people across North Carolina.

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