
We Are Living Abolition

We Are Living Abolition

Hi Friends, We are truly in our feelings at Emancipate NC at the end of 2020. We’ve had a year that is full of heartbreak. And also full of love. We know so many of you have lost people to COVID-19. We mourn with you. Emancipate NC has also lost loved ones. So many...

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Good White Folks: Get Your Damn People

Good White Folks: Get Your Damn People

(My Experience In Advocacy & Why Most White People Today Don’t Believe They Are Racist) by Amanda Anderson, Justice League Fellow The police shootings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others have recently put race at the forefront of...

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Re-evaluating the Cost and Consequences of Cops in Schools

Re-evaluating the Cost and Consequences of Cops in Schools

During the month of October 2020, thousands of people are participating in National Youth Justice Awareness Month (YJAM) activities throughout the country. National Youth Justice Awareness Month was created 13 years ago by a Missouri parent, Tracy McClard, whose...

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New Billboards Affirm Black Lives in Harnett County

New Billboards Affirm Black Lives in Harnett County

In late September, Emancipate NC partnered with Breathe (Board for a Racially Equitable Transformed Harnett County) Harnett to raise additional billboards in support of Black lives. The messages on the billboard were crafted by the members of Breath Harnett to empower...

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